About Us
Hello Saucy Mamas!
My name is Mika Requel, I'm a wife, mom, and the proud owner of Prim And Saucy Boutique. These are my beautiful Georgia peaches, Tori and Paiden. Tori helps with packing and shipping and graces us with her presence from time to time. Paiden is basically our brand ambassador and main model ;-) but we're always looking for fresh new faces!

The shop started out on Etsy in 2017 as a side gig for me to fuel my passion for fashion. Although I have 20 years experience as an IT Analyst and Consultant, I've always been very crafty and always stood by the saying: When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you do good". I started out by creating hand made hair accessories. After a while, I decided to add custom birthday tees, tutus, and pretty much anything I thought I could customize😍.
As of today, we've made the transition into a retail online boutique where you'll find fun, kid appropriate children's fashion, custom curated apparel, Mommy & Me collections, and accessories that vibrant and exuberant kids can enjoy and love.
Our mission is to help moms positively enable their kids to embrace their unique style with confidence and enjoy being kids. We want to create lasting memories through imaginative play and fashionable moments.
We encourage and support creative imaginations that allow girls to feel empowered to be their authentic selves! One of our goals is to one day partner with Girls Who Code and/or similar STEM organizations to help close the gender gap in Tech and leverage fashion to improve girls' confidence!
We give back to the community by donating to women's shelters and other non-profit organizations such as Purses of Hope, to advocate for women and children in need.
Check out our feature in Voyage ATL magazine: http://voyageatl.com/interview/hidden-gems-meet-mika-requel-akins-of-prim-and-saucy-boutique/?fbclid=IwAR0iJrBX4hTCPcanJUipmsKmOXhBQDHf78Zi0x5rrtR1MecI20kgPuCSzs8
Thanks for stopping by, we hope you find something fun, fresh, and flavorful!
Please feel free to email us at hithere@primandsaucyboutique.com if you have any questions.